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Dandelion Greens Salad with Fresh Figs and Fennel

Dandelion Greens Salad with Fresh Figs and Fennel

We just got back from a very relaxing vacation. It was to a place we used to go with my Dad as kids. Not a thing has changed, our old Archie comics were still boxed up in the attic, the spinning clothes line where we used hang our stuffed animals and pretend they were on a carnival ride is still there, and the kitchen stool that my three sisters and I would stack onto for our annual picture had had a fresh coat of paint but was still there too.

Dandelion Greens Salad with Fresh Figs and Fennel

It was amazing, I felt like I was eight again (until I had to clean my daughter’s first poo explosion with the actual antique washing equipment and hang it on the carnival ride to dry –my stuffed animals def never did that).


Pineapple Coconut Milkshake

Pineapple Coconut Milkshake

We’re going to my family’s summer cabin this summer and I’m feeling a little bit nostalgic. My husband has never been, my daughter obviously hasn’t and (somehow?!) I haven’t been in fifteen years. I can’t wait, I hope it hasn’t shrunk too much.

Pineapple Coconut Milkshake

We had a deal growing up that for every book we read throughout the year, we got an Archie comic to save to read during the summer at our cabin. My sisters and I read a lot, which equaled a lot of Archie comics by the time the summer arrived. There was no electricity, so we would spend a lot of time reading Archies, reading books and becoming way too good at every card game ever invented. I still know how to shuffle like a blackjack dealer, it’s sort of embarrassing.


(Naturally Sweetened) Rhubarb Compote

Naturally Sweetened Rhubarb Compote

This is a selfish post, as I’m satisfying a craving that just won’t let go. Rhubarb compote (stewed rhubarb?), one of the most unique textures, delightfully seasonal, extremely easy to prepare and for some of us, deeply nostalgic.

Naturally Sweetened Rhubarb Compote

We moved to the suburbs when I was 11. This move brought with it a bigger back yard which meant a big garden, already filled with fun and mysterious fruits and veggies that kept popping up before our eyes. We had more raspberries than we knew what to do with (at least above the snout level of our giant dog) and lots of exotic-looking, jungle-y rhubarb plants.


Grapefruit & Arugula Salad with Avocado & Fennel

Just a quickie post this week highlighting the beautiful produce left in my fridge/on my counter at the end of my trip that I couldn’t bear to just turn into juice (my usual go-to clean out the fridge move). And, actually, it makes the best salad.

With the awesome farmers market close by and the citrus trees outside my window that no one else seems to be picking from (#humblebrag), it’s been really easy to eat lots of fresh, colourful produce on this trip. We’ve been cooking really simply, not because I don’t want to be cooking, it’s so fun to do here, but because simpler flavours seem to taste better when it’s 38 degrees and your baby has officially learned to sweat and stick to your body.
