Tag Archives | horseradish

Beet Carpaccio with Fresh Horseradish & Watercress

Beet Carpaccio

Weird that the words beet and beef are similar and they work interchangeably in this recipe, isn’t it? Weirder that they are both filled with iron too, something that most people lack if they have cancer and are going through treatment. Maybe it’s the taste of iron that goes so well with horseradish?

Beet Carpaccio

I’ve never been a big meat person but beef carpaccio, when done well, was something I could never resist on a restaurant menu. I think it was because of the extra thin slices of raw beef (totally different texture) and the contrast of the inevitable salty mustard/horseradish/peppery greens topping.


Fire Cider (Immune-Boosting Tonic)

Fire Cider Bloody Mary

My husband and I came home from a mediocre work party one night in the fall of 2009 and spent the next day wondering how it was possible that we were so hung over. It turned out that we had swine flu and we spent the next several weeks quarantined to our tiny apartment watching every sci fi movie I had managed to avoid for the first several years of our relationship. To this day Star Wars still makes me feel nauseous.

Fire Cider

During this same year, my Mom’s cancer had recurred and she was going through treatment again, and my older sister had had her first baby. I couldn’t see either of them for over a month and it was the worst.
