Tag Archives | celery

Cream of Mushroom Soup with Wild Rice

This is one of the many recipes filling my freezer to the brim right now. I have actually never filled my own freezer with food, despite having done it for many others, and I have to admit, it’s pretty awesome.

Having a tiny baby has made me a meal preparing ninja. I was always pretty fast but now, I know my time is limited and there are other things that need to get done too, so I am quick and stealth and usually wearing all black (because that’s what colour my sweatpants are).


Creamy Cauliflower and Celery Gratin

This recipe is inspired by my grandmother. I’m sure a lot of people are inspired by their grandmother’s cooking but mine was a little different than what you’re probably picturing.

She was a really good cook, something I took for granted about all of the women in my family. She married my grandpa, whose parents were from Lebanon and so learned to cook all kinds of exotic (and incredibly delicious) Lebanese food.


Smokey Black-eyed Pea Soup with Collard Greens

Every year we have done a new black-eyed pea recipe for good luck in the New Year. We didn’t invent the concept, but the idea of some good luck to kick off the New Year resonates with us, as it does with others around the world (and as the recipe creator, it’s fun to work with parameters sometimes).

I love how random it is that black-eyed peas are considered lucky. Not lentils or black beans, or mandarin oranges, leftover stuffing or tequila shots, but quirky, distinct, smooth but easy to forget about, black-eyed peas.


Holiday Lentil & Buckwheat Loaf

Not the sexiest name, I know, but trust me, it’s exactly what your holiday table is missing.

Have you ever spent holiday dinners eating Brussels sprouts, mashed potatoes and cranberry sauce? I have to admit, this sounds pretty good to me right now, but it is nice to have a thoughtful (non-turkey-shaped tofu disaster) addition to this for those who are on a health-conscious, plant-based path.

Even those who eat everything around the holidays will like this recipe (I mean, probably not my Dad, but like, most people who like food). It has all of the flavours of a traditional stuffing, has a good hearty texture and could even be served in place of stuffing without any song and dance.
