Tag Archives | bok choy

Fresh Bok Choy Salad with Apple Sesame Dressing

Fresh Bok Choy Salad with Apple Sesame Dressing

Hi! You may (or may not) have noticed we disappeared for a few weeks. My excuse is boring and kind of gross but it feels great to be back, I’ve missed you all.

Fresh Bok Choy Salad with Apple Sesame Dressing

Remember the Game of Thrones Season Finale? It seems like it was a long time ago now. We recorded it because we had people for dinner and then stayed up to watch it after they left. It was past our bedtime (any time after 9pm, these days) so between the two of us falling asleep and rewinding it to re-watch parts, it took us about three hours to watch.


Indonesian Butternut Squash Noodles with Veggies

Indonesian Butternut Squash Noodles with Veggies

In case you are like me and have cravings for Indonesian peanut noodles a little more than you would like to admit, I wanted to share a version with you that leaves you feeling energized and smugly vegetablized instead of Netflix zomb-ified.

Indonesian Butternut Squash Noodles with Veggies

The first and most important thing we do is make it more about the veggies than the noodles (good life advice too). Then we remove the peanut butter (sad face, I know, but pb -even organic -contains aflotoxin, a known carcinogen produced by mold) (I still eat it once in a while when accompanied by chocolate, because I’m human) and replace it with pumpkin seed butter (or sunflower seed or almond) (you won’t miss the peanut butter, I promise).


The Green Smoothie

Green smoothies are in great abundance these days. They are as synonymous with healthy eating as bliss balls, almond butter, and kale chips. Green smoothies make healthy eating easier, and we would sure be sad without them. But let’s talk about making a modern version, that is lower glycemic and full of real, whole-food nutrition.

Choosing fruit that is lower glycemic and leaving the skin and seeds intact is a good way to start. This way we get the antioxidants from the fruit as well as the fiber, seeds and pectin from the whole fruit. This slows down the absorption of the sugar into your blood stream, and therefore keeps your blood sugar in check so that your cancer cells won’t be enjoying an all you can eat buffet. Berries and cherries are a great example of this (and those hand-staining pigments mean they are PACKED with antioxidants), so are kiwis, pears (blend smoother than apples too), and plums.

Now for the vegetables. I like to use a combination that will add juiciness (cucumber, celery, Napa cabbage, broccoli stems, bok choy bottoms) and also the green plant-blood business (kale, spinach, collards, swiss chard, parsley, mustard greens, dandelion greens, bok choy tops). The watery vegetables tend to be milder in flavour so you can add more, while the green ones tend to be a little more intense and bossy, so you might want to add less.
