Tag Archives | polenta

Millet Polenta

You may remember a looooong time ago, your little sister coming home from school with a homemade birdfeeder: a pinecone rolled in peanut butter and then mysterious little grains. Naturally when most of us see these grains, even if it’s in a human-food aisle at the grocery store, we think of birdseed. It makes sense, it has been in our birdfeeders (or stuck to our pinecones) for years.

Not just for the birds anymore, millet, the grain with the nerdiest name also happens to be one of the few grains that is alkalizing to our bodies. This doesn’t mean it will help you fly like a bird, but it may help you alienate some wonky cells. Cancer waaaaay prefers to live in an acidic body over an alkaline one, so alkalizing foods are our cancer-crushing friends. Millet is also gluten/allergen-free and very easy to digest. Bonus.

It also happens to make a really good, cornmeal-free polenta. Millenta? It is mild-tasting and somehow texturally comparable enough to pass for something very close to the real deal. (more…)