I had a dream the other night that I smelled like old cabbage and everyone around me was too polite to say anything. I have been spending a lot of around fermenting cabbage lately… So far nobody has been bold enough to tell me that I smell like sauerkraut, but clearly my subconscious thinks I might. Oh god, DO I?!
At least I am on trend. Home fermentation projects are picking up steam, which is great news for the world’s intestinal health. Imagine a world where all of our intestinal bacteria was in balance! It could only lead to world peace.
Kimchi, a spicy, more interesting version of naturally fermented sauerkraut, is a Korean staple, and I totally understand why (and that’s before we even get into the health benefits). It is tart, salty, pungent, complex and sooo very addictive. The version that I make is not authentic, as I have kept the ingredients fresh and as local as possible (no rice starch or fish sauce etc) but it is equally delicious and addictive.