Tag Archives | bay leaf

Cream of Mushroom Soup with Wild Rice

This is one of the many recipes filling my freezer to the brim right now. I have actually never filled my own freezer with food, despite having done it for many others, and I have to admit, it’s pretty awesome.

Having a tiny baby has made me a meal preparing ninja. I was always pretty fast but now, I know my time is limited and there are other things that need to get done too, so I am quick and stealth and usually wearing all black (because that’s what colour my sweatpants are).


Mushroom & Lentil Soup with Lemony Massaged Kale

Mushroom & Lentil Soup with Lemony Massaged Kale

You know it’s winter in Vancouver when you can’t find your raincoat or umbrella because they’re hanging in the shower, still not quite dry from the last time you used them. It’s the time of year that warm, hearty food is really appealing, the kind that lights a tiny furnace inside you. The kind that used to make you salivate as the smell drifted upstairs while you were (pretending to) do your homework. Enter this awesome soup.

Mushroom & Lentil Soup with Lemony Massaged Kale

My sister ordered a bowl of soup like this in a restaurant while I was visiting her in Amsterdam (PS –the Dutch do soup really well, I think it might be the antidote to their chilly, all-weather bike riding). It was simply called ‘lentil soup’ on the menu (at least the English version) but she gave me a taste and it was so rich and flavourful, but most interestingly, there was a nutty pop happening that totally worked. It came from toasted pine nuts –not as an expensive, toasty garnish, but stirred right into the soup.
