Homemade Ketchup (regular & tomato-free)
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Tomato-free Ketchup
  • 2 c Carrots, chopped
  • ½ c Beets, large-diced
  • 1 small Apple, large-diced
  • 1 c Water (preferably the leftover steam water)
  • ¼ c Red onion, minced
  • 3 Dates, pitted & chopped
  • ½ c + 2 Tbsp Raw Apple Cider Vinegar
  • A pinch of ground Clove (less than ⅛ of a tsp)
  • Sea(weed) Salt to taste
Tomato Ketchup
  • 2 c Tomato Passata/Purée (make your own, or buy a glass jar of it)
  • ¼ c Red Onion, minced
  • 1 small Apple, large-diced
  • 4 Dates, pitted & chopped
  • ¼ c Water
  • ½ c Raw Apple Cider Vinegar
  • A pinch of ground Clove (less than ⅛ of a tsp)
  • Sea(weed) Salt to taste
For the Tomato-free Ketchup:
  1. Steam the carrots, beets and apple until soft (7--10 minutes depending on how big your pieces are).
  2. Optional (but a good idea!): Reserve the steam water to measure out and use as the water in this recipe.
  3. In a blender, purée the cooked carrots, beets and apple with the 1 cup of water until smooth.
  4. Pour the contents into a sauce pan and add the onion, cloves and dates. (Don't wash the blender)
  5. Let simmer on med/low for 5 minutes with a lid (so that it doesn't reduce).
  6. Pour back into the blender, add the raw ac vinegar and some sea(weed) salt and blend again until smooth.
  7. Adjust seasoning and pour into a bowl so that it can cool before you transfer to a bottle or jar.
For the Tomato Ketchup:
  1. In a saucepan, pour the tomato purée, apple, dates, onion, clove and water.
  2. Let simmer on med/low for 5 minutes with a lid (so that it doesn't reduce).
  3. Pour into a blender with the raw ac vinegar and sea(weed) salt and blend until smooth.
  4. Adjust seasoning and pour into a bowl so that it can cool before you transfer to a bottle or jar.
Recipe by The Crushing Cancer Kitchen at https://thecrushingcancerkitchen.com/condiment/homemade-ketchup-traditional-nightshade-free/