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Plant-based ‘Escargot’ with Butter Lettuce Salad and Chickpea Pancakes

I’m so excited, I’ve wanted to do a post for Bastille Day (July 14th) since starting this blog but have never gotten it together until this year.

It’s sort of ironic considering this is the first year I’ve had a little Sous Chef with serious FOMO and no desire to sleep unless she is in a moving stroller or is being carried by someone who is acting like a moving stroller (I therefore have an 80s suntan and a sore back, neither of which I want to talk about).


Roasted Chickpea & Eggplant Tabouli

The other day I put my 8 week old in her carrier in the hopes of shooting this salad. I had it all planned out, she got in, she fell asleep, everything was perfect until I then just walked around my apartment, kissing her head, taking pictures to send my husband (I know. she has her own drop box account…). Before I knew it, 45 minutes had passed and by the time I got it together she had woken up again and wanted to party. So we did.

Enter my Mother-in-law. She was visiting and wanted nothing more than uninterrupted playtime with her new granddaughter. This blog post (and our lunch) would not have happened without her.


Red & Black Velvet Brownies

I’ve never thought of Valentine’s Day as a particularly romantic holiday. Thanks to TV and Archie comics, I knew that it was supposed to be, but that’s not ever how it’s seemed to me. I think it’s because we celebrated it as a family my whole life, even back when boys were gross.

It represented love for sure, we all loved each other and had a special dinner together that night (fondue, most likely) (have I mentioned how much my Mom ruled?) and my Stepdad would bring us all home chocolate and cinnamon hearts. So it has always meant love and chocolate, not too far off what Hallmark is telling us, but I kind of love it.


Navy Bean, Artichoke & Olive Tapenade Dip

One thing I spend far too much time thinking about is how to coax more vegetables into our/other people’s/people with temporarily strange palates lives. I could probably speak French and Italian by now if I were to have put in the same amount of time and effort. But who needs to be understood in the countries of love when you can….eat more veggies?

Anyway, this dip is my latest obsession. I am now in my last week (hopefully?) of pregnancy and have been making up for the all but complete lack of vegetables in the first half of my pregnancy. That stretch of time brought me a deeper understanding of my clients who were going through treatment who only wanted beige food, but it also meant this baby got a lot more beige food than I was happy with (thank goodness for smoothies).
