Tag Archives | oatmeal

Bircher Muesli with Apples & Dried Apricots

Bircher Muesli with Apples & Dried Apricots

A few weeks ago we went to Tofino for the first time since our baby was born. It had a different feel than it used to. For starters, it was so fun to see our little girl watching the waves and squealing at (and terrifying) the birds and the dogs running on the beach.

Bircher Muesli with Apples & Dried Apricots

We had to take turns surfing instead of surfing together. I was wondering if after not surfing for over a year, how much I might have regressed, and guess what?! I was amazing! Just joking, I was unfathomably terrible but no one I knew actually saw me, so did it even count? I figure between all of the time I spent under water and my long, stringy hair that hasn’t found time for a hair cut in 100 months, I was basically a mermaid, which is way more special than being a surf champion.


Spiced Pear Baked Steel-cut Oatmeal

Spiced Pear Baked Steel-cut Oatmeal

I know I’ve mentioned it here before, but I don’t have the warmest feelings towards traditional oatmeal. I think it is because I was ruined by those instant packs as a kid. You know, the ones you rip open, pour into a bowl, observe with excitement all of the sugar mixed in with the oats and add tepid water to? Bonus points if there were pictures of cute animals on the pouches.

As a semi-adult making my own oatmeal and realizing how much actual sugar I needed to add to make it taste like the stuff I was familiar with was sort of embarrassing and so I just lay off it altogether.

Spiced Pear Baked Steel-cut Oatmeal

My husband loves it though and will order it any time we go out for breakfast and even make it when he’s feeling inspired. So when we went surfing a few months ago (baby belly and I were surf-watching/walking/reading), I knew we were staying in a place with a questionable kitchen situation (a kettle) so I decided to try something. I filled a big mason jar with instant (not ideal) oats, chia, hemp hearts, dried fruit and lots of warming spices (as seen in this recipe) and shook it up.


Lemon Blueberry Overnight Chia Oats

Lemon Blueberry Overnight Chia Oats

I bought ten pounds of unsprayed blueberries this week from a local farm. I had to drive to pick them up, there were that many. I have frozen some and dehydrated some, but still, we have eaten so many blueberries in this house over the last few days, that we will probably sprout anthocyanin-coloured superfood wings, or turn into that rolly poly blueberry girl from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Or at least be sufficiently sick of them by the end of the season.

Lemon Blueberry Overnight Chia Oats

Blueberries aren’t too terribly sweet, they are filled with fiber and pectin and help to balance out digestion (whether things are running too slow or too fast) (which kind of seems like intuitive fruit magic to me). They are actually good for your urinary tract too and help to counter UTIs (and are way easier to eat than cranberries!).
